Copyright (c) 2023 Santa Rosa Stamp Club

Santa Rosa Stamp Club

"As your Newsletter Editor, I strive to present not only the details of what happens at the meeting but to also provide resource information that may be of benefit for your philatelic interests.  As such I ask and encourage each and every one of you to send me articles that I can insert into our Newsletters.  Photos are certainly welcome and desired.  Your text can be in any format although I prefer computer friendly word processing files. Thank you."

Recent Newsletters

To open a newsletter just click the highlighted link in the second column.

Jan 2022 Vol. 11 No. 1 SRSC Newsletter (42).pdf

President's Note

Amazing Stamp Stories #13: "il diavolo mi porti se mi sbaglio*

You Read It Here First

Why Collect Post World War II Eastern Europe?

I Heard Them on My Shortwave Radio

Apr 2022Vol. 11 No. 2 SRSC Newsletter (43).pdf

Editor's Note: Local Stamp Shows

Local Post Offices

Ask Phil

The Postcode System of Great Britain

The Ten Least Valuable Stamps Ever Issued

My Favorite Revenue Stamps

Sept 2022Vol. 11 No. 3 SRSC Newsletter (44).pdf

Focus-Pocus: Collecting Oddities and Cinderellas

Ask Phil

Philatelic Quiz on U.S. Stamps

Oct 2022Vol. 11 No. 4 SRSC Newsletter (45).pdf

​Queen Elizabeth II, Avid Stamp Collector and Her Collection

Ask Phil

Jan 2023Vol. 12 No. 1 SRSC Newsletter (46).pdf

Amazing Stamp Stories #16: The FBI and the Mounties?

What Makes an Advanced Collection Advanced and an Advanced Collector Advanced?

When Is a Minimum Too Much?

​March 2023Vol. 12 No. 2 SRSC Newsletter (47).pdf

How I Got into Stamp Collecting, by Susanne Scholz
Insuring Your Stamp Collection, by Stephen Brett

May 2023Vol. 12 No. 3 SRSC Newsletter (48).pdf

Using the Demurrage Fee on a U.S. COD Item, by Daniel S. Pagter
Amazing Stamp Stories No. 19: At Least Something Costs Less Today!, by Stephen Brett

Hidden Treasures or Stamp Mining Can Be Fun!, by Stephen Brett

July 2023Vol. 12 No. 4 SRSC Newsletter (49).pdf

Stamps and Succession: Collecting as a Reflection of Family History, by David Wm. Hansen

Collecting Stamps of the DDR (Deutsche Demokratische Republik/German Democratic Republic), by Stephen Brett

Oct 2023Vol. 12 No. 5 SRSC Newsletter (50).pdf

Trends in Stamp Collecting, by Stephen Brett

Maybe We’re Not Selling This Right, by Stephen Brett

Feb 2024Vol. 12 No. 5 SRSC Newsletter (50).pdf

Foreign Post Offices and Philatelic Windows, by Stephen Brett

​All prior newsletters can be found on the Newsletter Archive page in date-of-issue order.